Preliminary listing of courses for year 2025:

MBSc 1: Introduction to Computers

MBSc 2: Human Anatomy

MBSc 3: Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

MBSc 4: Medical Physiology

MBSc 5: Behavioral Sciences

MBSc 6: Nutrition and Dietetics Course

MBSc 7: Communication Skills for Health Workers

MBSc A1: Microbiology and Parasitology

MBSc A2: Immunology and Immunopathology

MBSc A3: General and Systemic Pathology

MBSc A4: Haematology and Blood Transfusion

MBSc A5: Chemical Pathology

MBSc B1: Biostatistics and Demography

MBSc B2: Epidemiology in Africa

MBSc B3: Environmental Health in Afric

MBSc B4: Occupational Health and Safety in Africa

MBSc B5: Leadership, Management and Governance in Health Systems in Africa

MBSc B6: Introduction to Entrepreneurship in Africa

MBSc B7: Research Methodology and Research Project in Africa

MBSc B8: Health Services Attachment in Kenya

MBSc B9: Medical Jurisprudence and Applied Toxicology

MBSc C1a Pharmacology and Therapeutics

MBSc C1b Clinical Pharmacology 2

MBSc C2 Child Health and Paediatrics

MBSc C3 Internal Medicine

MBSc C4 Reproductive Health

MBSc C5 General Surgery

MBSc C6 Orthopaedics and Traumatology

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MedicalSkills Online Nurse Education Courses and Material - Nov 2024